Now is the time to make the change from a linear to a circular economy. “Circular Sweden is a business forum that is the driving force behind the development of circular product and material flows." Many products still have a short lifespan, and Sweden is still far away from a resourceefficient use of materials.
The companies in Circular Sweden are working actively to speed up the development towards a circular economy. In this report we look at the goals these companies have set and how they work to contribute to the development of circular product and material flows. We want to be transparent in our circular work. Our hope is that this report will inspire others and lead to dialog with all the companies and other parties working towards for increased circularity.
The report is based on each member company's own work on the four focus areas that are prioritized in the forum. These are circular design, sustainable consumption, increased availability and use of recycled materials, and circular value chains. The member companies from the recycling business are shown together in this report, since they have common goals and measures.
We see that many parts of the transition to a circular economy are profitable for most companies. The transition strengthens brands, attracts employees and reduces costs. However, in some areas it is more difficult to make the switch to circular product and material flows. To succeed we need better cooperation between companies in the value chains and an even greater focus on circularity-increasing measures from politicians. Long-term and predictable instruments are needed, both in Sweden and in the EU.
For 2030, our goal is for Sweden to be an international role model in circular material flows, an active driver of development globally. The goal is to use products and materials with greater resource-efficiency and without sacrificing economic or qualitative value. Circularity's benefits to the climate will then be well known.
The hope is that Sweden will develop clearer legislation that make it more sustainable for companies to own their waste, take responsibility for their value chains and, more profitably, circulate more and more of their material. Recycled raw materials should be able to compete with new ones and be in high demand. Consumers and purchasers should place high demands on circular products and material flows.
So let's show the outside world that Sweden can succeed in its transition to circularity. One step in these efforts is that our companies demonstrate clearly how we reorganize our operations to create a society without a dependence need for finite raw materials.
Enjoy reading!
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